Product Designer | UX Designer | UX Researcher


Hey! I'm Jacob, a product designer with 6+ years of end-to-end UX research, UX design, and UX engineering experience!

Portfolio Showcase


Sherwin-Williams - Order Tracker Case Study

A case study about one of the many projects I worked on at Sherwin-Williams, where I was tasked with conducting UX research and UX design on “How might we enable customer service to quickly track order lines that are associated to orders in other systems?”.


PICKUP - Market Success Coordinator Case Study

A showcase of the research I conducted on PICKUP’s Market Success Coordinators, the problems they were facing on a day-to-day basis, and the solutions I designed and implemented to improve their workflow and overall efficiency.


Signet Jewelers Ltd - Bridal Configurator Usability Study

A breakdown of a usability study conducted during my time at Signet Jewelers Ltd. Also includes hifi wireframes of the proposed solutions that would fix the issues discovered from the study.


MRI Software - Request Tracker Case Study

A deep dive into the internal tool built for the engineers of MRI Software to help them submit requests for open-source libraries to managers and the legal team.


About Me

Hello! I’m Jacob, a product designer with six years of end-to-end UX research, UX design, and UX engineering experience! My specialties are user research, wireframing, prototyping, and testing products ranging from small-scale applications to eCommerce websites and complex logistical applications. I am passionate about problem-solving and take pride in being told I ask too many questions!